This is the second year I've decided to choose a word of the year for myself, to help keep me focused for the entire year. Ali Edwards, the creator of One Little Word, says this practice of selecting and living with a word for the year is "seeing life through an intentional lens".
This year my word has been FAITH, and I've found a multitude of ways to focus on it. I've gotten more serious about my Bible reading and study, I've begun Bible journaling, and I've gotten involved, or more involved in three Bible study groups. I've also looked for ways to put my FAITH in action...working in the church nursery every week, helping out at the homeless shelter, and providing meals for the Ronald McDonald House.
Next year I'm working to rid my life of stress and chaos. I considered several words along the way but finally came up with one that feels perfect for me. So, for 2019, my word of the year will be CONTENT.
- 1.in a state of peaceful happiness."he seemed more content, less bitter"
synonyms: contented, satisfied, pleased, gratified, fulfilled, happy, cheerful, glad
One of the ways I plan to keep myself focused on my word is by taking part in the Living Your Word 2019 challenge. This Facebook group will have a bi-weekly A to Z challenge where we will be choosing a word for each letter of the alphabet and explore how it relates to our core word. There will be inspirational questions and activities for each letter of the alphabet. Then we are encouraged to find Scripture passages to go deeper into exploring each word in relationship to our word.
I will be sharing a blog post on my journey every other week. Hope you will join me to follow along.